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  • Writer's pictureDr. Michael Bokor

Take Mattress Into Your Own Hands

A image of two people I don't know, touching a mattress to tell if it is good for them. P.S. that does not work

I get asked about mattress’s all the time, and although I don't recommend one bed over another, I always say it is important to try it out as long as possible. A quick lay down is never the right way to test out a mattress.

However, generally when laying on a bed here are some tips:

1. You should not feel high or low areas – when you lay down you should not feel parts of your back, hips or neck being pulled down or forced up to high. Too much pressure can result in uncomfortable nights and worsening back, shoulder or neck pain

2. You should have some extra length at your feet - Make sure that bed extends a few inches past your feet, or the drag on your back from your legs hanging off could eventually lead to back discomfort

3. Your bed lasts around 10 years – Has your mattress passed down through the family, like your vintage dining room set? Its time for a new mattress!

4. Your bed is only meant for a few activities – Mainly sleeping, but don’t plan on buying a bed for watching tv, reading, doing homework etc. This can lead to disrupted sleep cycles, so buy for what you do there most, sleep!

5. Ask about a return policy - Beds are tricky to buy and make sure you love. In my experience both as a consumer and chiropractor… people do not like their beds often, and can contribute to back pain frequently!

6. Don’t cheap out - money isn’t always the answer, however, if you are choosing between two beds, comfort is more important. It could lead to lots of chiropractic trips in the future if you choose wrong and that few hundreds you save on the bed, may finds its way to your local chiropractor soon. This also doesn't mean a more expensive bed is better, just don't sacrifice comfort for money

7. Test it out for 6 weeks - It takes approximately 6 weeks to know if a bed is going to work for you or not. So, don't fret if you are sore the first few weeks. Lingering pain means the bed needs to be returned!

Bed in Box.

I get asked if I like them all the time; so here is my opinion. Until recently, no I did not (because I didn’t know enough), however, I have had the opportunity to lay on them now and my tune has changed… at least for my own back. The above considerations of how to choose a bed still apply, but getting one in territories may be more difficult.

Online shopping means the the 100 day return policy is necessary! It allows you to truly test it out and it does often take a good month or two for you to really know it is good or not. Some changes in back pain or discomfort is frequent on a new bed, so don’t worry if you are sore for a while after purchase.

Since we are in the territories, obviously one of the most important considerations is if they ship here. Well, unfortunately Endy the Canadian company does not ship here, however, when asked they said “are working towards finding a solution that will allow us to ship there.”.

Casper an American brand which is often compared to the Endy as the two more popular options, does ship here and for free and their 100 day guarantee works here too!

The options are limited here in NWT but with savvy shopping and careful consideration you can get the mattress of your dreams. My recommendation limits the options, but truthfully a 100 day guarantee takes a lot of the struggle of buying a mattress out. I say give it a whirl and see if it works for you!

Dr. Michael Bokor

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